Yesterday, I worked at a shop. It was first time for me to work there. I was nervous because I didn’t know anything what should I do. I thought first month I will do odd jobs because a man working the shop said so. However, I was taught a lot of things by a man. He looks gentle, but he is strict as work. He taught me how to write a paper when customer want to sell their books, how to processing books, how to filled the shelf with books, how to pay at the register, how to call customers…etc.
It was difficult and complex work. I couldn’t remember everything but, he wanted me learn at first. It was busy. I don’t have confidence. I wanted to work at cloth shop, but I wanted to work near my apartment, too. So, I decided to work at book shop, but now, I want to work cloth shop! Any way, I will do my best the book shop as can as possible. Please come the shop and talk with me… I’m lonely at the shop. I want to talk with English course’s people of KGU.
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