This story was known to many people, and I like it. However, I have never read it in English. This is why I choose this book.
These stories were happy and fantasy stories. This interesting part is all princesses got happy and found their prince.
This story was contained 4 stories. First story was Snow White. This story was evil queen dressed herself up as an old woman and tried to kill her again and again. One day, she bitted an apple and died. Seven little man was sad for her death. But, she arrived by the young princes kiss and they lived happily together.
Second story was Cinderella, third story was Sleeping beauty, and final story was Beauty and the beast. All of them were happy stories. Cinderella became queen, sleeping beauty was arrived by the princes kiss like a Snow White. Beauty and the beast were too. He back into human and learned about love and a tender heart.
I recommend you this book, because, this book have very happy stories. However, I heard Snow White was restricted reading without permission, because in this story, evil queen ordered a hunter to kill her and a hunter slays wild animal. But, I read this book since I was a child. I think it is not serious problem. I think to restrict reading is problem, because people have privilege to learn. So, I recommend this book and how about think of this problem?
(250 words)