
Book Review 2-10 "The Elves and the Shoemaker"

This is a fairy tale. I like this story. There was an old man and his job was making shoe. He made good shoes and everyone likes watching his job. He wasn’t rich, but he lived with his wife to enjoy his job.

One day, a man came to the city, and he started selling shoes and his shoes were very cheap. Everyone delighted the price. They could buy 2 pair of shoes for the price of one. The old man thought these shoes were awful, these shoes had bad leather, but other people didn’t realize that thing.

The shoemaker to sell cheap shoes always sold much shoes. The old man couldn’t understand why he could make these much shoes quickly. The old man had very little business due to the coming shoemaker. He couldn’t make enough shoes, so he bought leather to make a pair of shoes and he went to bed.

The next day, the old man surprised because there was a perfect pair of shoes. He couldn’t believe! In fact, it was elves work. The selling cheap shoes man has 14 elves and he let them to make much shoes. These elves wearing miserable clothes and they don’t wear shoes. The old man noticed these elves and he made clothes for elves.

The cheap shoes seller became have to leave the city because many people who bought his shoes were getting angry. His shoes broke after two days, so he decided to quite this job and elves relieve from him. It was good for 14 elves and the old man lived happily to make shoes by himself.

(270 words: total 13030 words)

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