
Book Review 1-1

I read a book. This title is " The Mystery Of Allegra." I am going to introduce this book and write my impression.

Hero's name is Adrian. He travelling in Italy with his parents and they find a hotel there. They decide to take rooms there for the night. The room is comfortable, but the whether is very bad. At this night, Adrian didn't sleep well. He locked the door and window. when he find the light, cold little hand took hold of his arm. It was a little girl's arm. He was very surprise because he locked the door and window. This girl's face is pale and she has blond hair and big blue eyes and she wear a long white nightdress. She is very beautiful girl. She said " My name's Allegra." Allegra is an unusual name. In Italian, It means ' happy.' She is five years old. She wants meet her mother. He thought she is a child in this hotel. However, it was wrong! This hotel's child is five years old. She is beautiful and looks like another Allegra. Her name is Allegra too, but she isn't Allegra he met yesterday. Her hair is black and her eyes is brown. Adrian was very confused. Allegra who has blond hair came next night. She said she looks her mother again and she is going to die soon. Who is she? What is her purpose?

It is a little sad story. At first, I couldn't understand about Allegra. I afraid of her. However, finally. I understand of all. I thought Allegra was very poor. She really wants to meet her mother. She loved her mother. I finished reading this book, I feel sad and impression. Please read this book and solve this little sad mystery.

(300 words; total 1690)

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