
Wedding ceremony★

Today, I worked at wedding ceremony hall. I worked at VOVA (= Tapioka drink shop) until this February, but I quitted there because of move. From that day on, I didn't have part-time job. Two days ago, I heard news from one of my friend Mariko. This news was her superior looking for short-range staff. So, I decided to work one day. That wedding ceremony was great. I was impressed. But, that work was hard. I made up decently. I always don't make up decently. So, I felled little strange. And, I was tired, but some guest said to me "Thank you!" I was glad to hear that words. I'm sure the pleasure is mine!
(115 words)

2 件のコメント:

Yohko さんのコメント...
Yohko さんのコメント...

Thank you for your comment, Keiko(人´∀`) I'll write a comment on your blog for the first time. I have worked at the wedding scene. It was hard. But a bride was very beautiful and I was moved.